Friday, March 15, 2024



So... FINALLY it is happening.... I wrote my script. I have been away on a drama competition in Tampa but I have made time in the hotel and train to accomplish my long-awaited goal of writing my film opening script.

How to write a script:

So before writing the script, I had to relearn and remember the formatting of a script. The first thing I did was look at the notes I took in class a couple weeks previous on script writing:

These notes expand on the full process of writing and developing a script and story, examining the brainstorming, outline, screenplay, and revision phases. One thing that I had been trying to achieve since first deciding on my film opening's story was a "full movie" concept. This was part of the outlining stage and basically would allow for more clarity and direction for my opening. So having made several drafts of a full movie outline, I finally decided on one. Below is a picture of one of my full movie breakdowns:

 In this breakdown, I explain a brief overview of the whole movie plot, which is: A group of three detectives are on the last day of their kidnapping case before it gets taken away from them by their sergeant and replaced by another case. It is August 2023 and the kidnappings started happening in different places in Manhattan, New York, starting from July 17 and continuing on every 2 weeks after. Now, it has almost been two months and barely any information has been found on the suspect. One of the most sophisticated detectives, Detective Parker Harris, of the team is on this case and won't back down until the kidnapper has been found. He works with the analytical Detective David Rivera and the notorious Detective Smith Jones (son of the police head). The three all meet up on August 28, 2023 (film opening starts) and have till the end of the day to solve the case before the kidnapper attacks again (it is the 2 week mark) and until the case is taken away from them. They end up not solving it due to Detective Smith Jones attitude and due to the kidnapper not attacking that day, leading them to less evidence to work with. They must turn in the case and start working on new appointed cases, but Detectives Harris and Rivera continue to secretly work on the kidnapping case as the kidnappings start. Detective Smith Jones steadily starts showing up to work less and less, raising suspicion for Harris and Rivera. They start to look into Jones as a suspect, befriending him as a closer pal and going around to learn more about Jones and his background. At the end, Harris and Rivera find out Jones has been the kidnapper/murderer all along (Harris finds out Jones's connections were the ones that kidnapped his daughter).

Character analysis:

For a script, knowing and building intentions behind your character's dialogue is significant to creating realistic and personalized characters. For example, in the beginning I didn't know what I wanted my character's to look like (characteristically), so even less what I wanted them to say. So, I created a character background breakdown that describes important attributes that describe my characters:

Detective Parker Harris:

  • very dedicated and driven
  • goal-oriented individual
  • Anxious day-to-day
  • Used to have 11-year-old daughter but she got kidnapped (explains his yearning to save these girls, wants to save his girl subconsciously, doesn't want to let people down, disappoint)
  • Is in line to be next seargant

Detective David Rivera:

  • Has background in psychology
  • Very analytical
  • Non-problematic
  • Quick and effective planning and problem-solving
  • Tries to promote and sustain peace between people!!

Detective Smith Jones:

  • More laid back and relax
  • Since his "detective legacy" (dad is astound and glorified police man, as well as grandfather, they own department) he has it easier, didn't have to go through initiation process
  • Had complicated childhood with parents ( they didn’t love brother and put him in foster care and they liked him but he always tried to be the best subconsciously for their love he was fearful they wouldn’t love him) -affected him now- he is the killer! explained ⬇️ 
  • So he ends up being the kidnapper they were trying to find the whole time, shows and makes sense for the beginning how he kept asking questions instead of making plain statements, he acts not interested and dismissive because he doesn’t want the other detectives getting too close or suspicious.



So, with all this character analysis and story plot in mind, I ended up creating this script:

Moving on:
For my next few things, I am going to complete my storyboard and focus on my costume design ideas for the actors! 

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