Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Creative Critical Reflection


    Hey blog. What's up! Are you ready cause I am ready for this week! Yeah for sure... I have to write my script by the end of the day and I will but I just UGHHH. You know what, it is fun it doesn't have to be perfect! It’s a minute and a half tops we are good. 

Okay I just needed to get that out there.

Anyways! I am back, it is a new Tuesday and today we had a classroom discussion about the CCR part of our project! I am actually excited to come up with creative ways to answer the prompted questions, especially after seeing some of the examples. Here are some of the notes that I took in my class:

In my notes, we broke down what the CCR does and what/ how questions needs to be answered:

The CCR is a reflection and revision of my overall project. Cambridge gives you prompted questions that you must answer in a “creative” manner, for example making a 
director’s commentary or a vogue-inspired video as a template to answer the question. 

One idea that I think would be super fun would be to do like a 73 question video like Vogue but to get some friends to be like the people interrupting in the OG videos, here are some more engaging interview style videos to draw inspiration from:

W Magazine


While listening to the presentation and taking down notes, a reiterated statement was "DO NOT MAKE YOUR WHOLE CCR A TALKING HEAD" which I thought was pretty valid.

We watched examples, some of them with too much screen time on the person just sitting there talking, and some with more movement and inserts of important information. While I probably will do one of the 2 CCRs with a more structured outline and down to facts feel, I want to start thinking about fun ways to provide information, but also engage the viewer. I really want to try to take a well-known bit and transform it into an aspect of one of my CCRs. 

To Be Continued:

While right now I am more focused on completing my film opening part of the project, I will keep the CCR in the back of mind (since it is 20/50 of the grade points), thinking about different eccentric ways to compel my information. One I am thinking about as a starting point is having one of my main actors from the film ask me questions in the city the film was shot! This could be my more structured video since it doesn't have too much going on, but it won't only involve me in my room talking to my camera alone. I am planning to film the CCRs (at least one of them) during spring break and in NYC. Also because I am in New York, I want to try to utilize this location and incorporate it into my CCR to make it more varied compared to other's CCRs.

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