Basis Documentary Project Info
So, hello! I am a renewed person that is trying to figure out if they are ready to make a documentary! (Mrs. Stoklosa please don't have a heart attack because I am completely changing my genre.. we got this!!😃😬)
So, because of this genre change, I have to familiarize myself with all the documentary "rules" or guidelines one must follow for the portfolio project. Lucky for me I am an extremely excessive notetaker and jotted down notes for documentary requirements:
Summary of important notes:
- 5 mns long (can make of any part of a hypothetical hour long episode)
- have plan of what doc series is about
-choose which doc this would be of series
- allude to all episodes in social media, show all
- create magazine article for documentary (can be used as marketing for doc, interview with documentarians, etc. )
- Overall, this "to-do list" is a good way for me to keep track of what I need to accomplish with the documentary package. For now, I am going to be focusing on the actual documentary and beginning to organize the marketing.
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