Monday, December 9, 2024

Doc: Production


We finally made it to the FILMING! This process of filming was a tedious but fulfilling one that taught me about myself and contributed to our documentary. 

So..... for this process of filming we had various different days and people that filming separately to get this footage finalized. 


The first filming we did was actually accidental. It was during our planning time when we were going to go to Mr.Boswell's class to ask him to be interviewed and we saw pieces of plastic on the ground. I remember me and Julia looking at each other and going THIS IS PERFECT, because it was a real-life, in real-time example of plastic being all around us even if we aren't consciously aware of it. We didn't have our equipment with us yet, but we used "cinematic mode" recording on our phones and it worked well!! We also got some B-roll clips of trash cans and nature scenery that we would have just in case we needed more b-roll (OVERSHOT!!)

Some clips we got were:

Later that day, I got on Zoom with Mr. Boswell because I needed to discuss and establish some final ideas about the project. I then realized that getting a screen recording of him and me working on details about the project would be useful B-roll, so I asked him respectfully if that would be a possibility and he was up to it!

(Here is part of the hour-long Zoom meeting):


Throughout this whole process, the Interact Club members had been filming themselves getting certain tasks done that were helping start up the project. With this filming Julia and I didn't have any part in the actual technicality of filming it because they were filming it themselves, but for some parts, I also filmed myself getting certain tasks done with my phone (some examples):
Emma filmed the cardboard boxes she bought where we collect plastic

Sarah filmed herself at Home Depot buying some of these boxes

I filmed my printer printing out the posters we made to publicize the project

The only B-roll filming where Julia and I filmed had planned to film it with the camera and tripod was filming ourselves hanging up the posters around school and us building/playing around with some of the cardboard boxes:

Final Filming:

This part of the filming was the more intricate and complex one. Because this was something that was newer to us (filming interviews) we made sure to refer back to our notes taken in class to remember to prioritize certain things:

- We wanted to have one person asking the questions right next to the camera (to where the interviewee could look at) and one person at the camera filming, attentive to adapting the shot at any second.

- We tried to have everything set up before the interviewee arrived. We did accomplish this with one of the interviewees but not the second one, because we didn't set a specific location to meet inside the school so we had to find them and then set up.

- We made sure to listen. This was the most important part of filming the interviews for me because it allowed for me to hear their response and see if they gave us the necessary info, and if they didn't I would add one extra question for additional commentary.


Here are part of the interviews:

Mr. Boswell ^

Margarita (Rotarian) ^

This filming process was long and tedious, Julia and I having to organize filming our own things and also getting Interact members to film theirs, but in the end it worked out! Some things looking back now I would change would be filming our own B-roll earlier, and trying to schedule the interviews to not be two days before the project was due. Doing this would've given us more time in post-production.In addition, I do think we should've made the location more clear for interviewing Margarita so we could have everything set up and ready to go to film. 

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