Monday, March 18, 2024

Equipment- Filming Action #1

 Filming Equipment

Hellooooo whats up, I know you can't respond but here I am talking to you! But not just talking to you, initiating this week with my mini blog series: Filming Action

This blog series is only going to last for this week 😬😬!!! I did end up filming yesterday. It was really fun, exhausting, but a really cool experience. This series is going to go through how I filmed on Sunday, what I used to film, and what assisted me in making the filming easier.


After realizing from early last week that I needed specific equipment to capture the shots I wanted, I directly went to my friend Male for help. Male is in CBTV, our school's TV program so she has way more hands-on experience with certain equipment than I do, and would help me identify what equipment is necessary for what shot.

So, I talked to her! First I asked her at school what she recommends for whip pan and she told me just a regular tripod with the handle. Then I asked her about what would be best for hand held shots, and what equipment would make the shots more steady. She had mentioned something about a stabilizer but I forgot the exact name she gave it, so I texted her later:

Perfectttt. Then , I asked her about a place that she had also previously mentioned to me called Becon (Broward Educational Communications Network). She elaborated on it and told me that Becon is where most CBTV students rent out equipment if they can't get it from CBTV and that it would be a lease for about a week, FOR FREE! I thought this was insane and such a good opportunity. So, I contacted Jim (the man at Becon that does EVERYTHING its crazy) and my sister, my dad and I all headed over there! I did need some help with the directions because the location is a bit secluded! (Below Male's texts helping me 😌 and above that is the outside of the building.)

Once arriving, Jim met us and gave us the equipment! I ended up getting a tripod with a handle, a boomstick with a microphone, and a stabilizer. Below:

Jim showed us how to use the equipment and also ended up giving us a tour of the place which was really cool:

Finishing up:

I picked up the equipment last week Tuesday before heading off to my drama trip so I could have it when I got back to film on Sunday. One problem I did encounter was that I didn’t have anyone to do my sound, but in the next few blogs I will go into detail on how the filming process went. For now, I am also just downloading all the videos and revising themπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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