Sunday, February 18, 2024

Project Genre

 Choosing Genre PT 2.

Hello! Welcome back to....

Choosing my genre!

I am your host Sofia Di Lauro and today we will continue to explore what genre we will select for the show! Okay but actually, LET'S GET TO BUSINESS!

After watching the YouTube video centered on explaining genre that I mentioned in my last blog, some ideas came up on what my plot could look like for the film opening. So, I continued to do research on movies that caught my eye, like the movie "Knives Out."

What I learned was that "Knives Out" is in the genre of thriller, but this classification is a very broad one. So, the movie can also be defined as being in the mystery and crime genre, or even the murder mystery subgenre. The broader genres, like thriller and mystery, still uphold genre conventions, but they are harder to grasp and to meticulously identify. So, subgenres are great for truly narrowing down specific plots and characters, which is what I was having trouble envisioning. 

Learning about all these new genres and how they can intertwine with individualized subgenres, I realized that it doesn't have to be structured in one specific way. I can choose to make a film opening in the thriller genre, but it can also show aspects of other genres under it like mystery and murder mystery. For example, a series I love is "True Detective", specifically the season I watched which is the first season. Season one centralizes on two main police detectives and how they show the criminals they have tracked down and where their lives have led them to. Their main genre of thriller and mystery has other subgenres like crime film and neo-noir that leads them to have this unique show.

So from here on out, my film opening will be in the thriller genre, but have other aspects within the murder mystery subgenre. I will continue to research genre conventions in these genres.

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