Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Group Meeting #1

 Group Meeting

    Today during my class I was put into a group with 5 others and we discussed how our film opening projects have been going. This meeting was designed to not only allow us to receive insight on the questions we have about our project, but to also allow us to give recommendations to others who may be questioning their project.

The conversation started by having everyone take turns telling their genre and an overview of their story. In my group, I had multiple genres varying from sci-fi to coming-of-age. For example, one girl recommended the movie Virgin Suicides which I will be watching soon :)

After introducing our ideas, I finally spoke up and started talking about what my film opening would consist of and introduced some topics of my project that I have been stuck on.

Stuck On:

  • Mentioned I was stuck on deciding where my title would go in the 2 mns
  • How to start script writing and measure out the 2 mn time limit
  • How I would transition my establishing setting opening montage to the major scene of the three detectives smoothly (also how I would smoothly transition from music to no music)


Talking about my concerns I got some good feedback on how I could progress through my struggles. One suggestion I received was about where to put my title, suggesting I put it at the end of my montage of NYC. This idea was one I hadn't really thought about, but one that sparked another idea that I will infuse into my film opening or definitely into my final options for my opening. I am thinking of maybe putting the title at the last second before the change from montage to detective scene or at the beginning of the scene after the montage. Another two options that were suggested regarding my problem of how to smoothly transition my two scenes was to either have someone abruptly open the door or for there to be an element of noise to transition the two clips. With this idea, I think I just need to keep thinking about it and I will include these choices in a list, to finally pick the best option that helps reinforce the tone of the scene that I am going for.

After I received feedback, I gave assistance to my classmates on various topics: figuring out the placement of someone's opening title, and how to gain more clarity and distinction about one's genre (offered advice of researching subgenres under a chosen genre). I think this discussion was useful in seeing how my peers approached breaking down this project and was used as a reminder on how I am doing with my progress!

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