Saturday, February 24, 2024

Film Approach

 Film Approach

 To approach my film I was thinking of just walking straight up to it. 

Got you there!... That was really bad.  Now that the horrible joke summoned you we will be talking about....

How To Approach Your Film!

Technically its not yours its mine, but either way here it is. I have been thinking of film approaches and with the notes we took about a month ago:

I think I know which to choose. I am already going to have to choose to establish setting just because my introduction to the film opening is NYC, but for the rest of the opening, I really want to establish tone. I think creating a specific tone is something that comes satisfying to me, like when someone is erasing Expo of a white board and they finally wipe away the last mark, and I mean REALLY get it. Not just weakly pat it away, I mean fully discard of any trace left. 

I really hope you know what I am talking about or that just makes me really weird.

Establishing tone to me isn't just hoping the audience feels a certain way, which is the final desired goal, but it is using different factors like lighting, color, mise-en-scene, composition, editing, shots, ETC to create a story that you hope makes others feel a certain way. So for me, getting most of those attributes right is key, which I hope to do!

Extra Research:

To accurately depict tone, I needed to find the accurate difference between mood and tone in film, which this sentences from this website describes:

"For instance, you could show your characters attending a party and have the tone be excited, depressed, sarcastic, frightened, or hopeful. These communicate the way the narrator feels about the situation. Mood is the overall feeling of the scene or story as a whole.'"

From here, I will look at other aspects that can contribute to my story's tone, and start to develop my story overall. Creating things like storyboards and scripts will all be done by next week!

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