Friday, January 26, 2024

Planning Process of Music Marketing Project


    The initiation of this Music Marketing Project began with choosing a group of four students where we would then get assigned a specified genre of music. My group was handed the folder of the pop genre, which included four varied pop songs. When choosing what song to select, we needed to take into account the lyricism and visual appeal of the songs. As we listened through all the songs, we weren't completely set on what type of music video we wanted to create, but we knew we definitely wanted some aspect of storytelling. So, focusing on which song gave the biggest opportunity to create a simplistic but representational story that would correlate to the lyrics was huge. We came to the conclusion of picking the song "Electric Feel" by MGMT. 

   Next, we got assigned to complete the marketing and distribution practices research. We had to pick two music production companies and two case studies (artist/band) within the pop genre to research. To split this up among the group, we would all collectively decide on which companies to analyze, and then each person would choose an artist/band to research. In addition to the case studies, we included some brief history of each company and the other artists they have signed with them. To begin the process of choosing the music companies, we started by searching major music production companies and seeing what pop artists were signed to them. The first company we decided on was Columbia Records and the artists we chose were Harry Styles and Rosalia. Meanwhile, the second company was Atlantic Records and we included Ed Sheeran and Charlie Puth. We tried to hand-select artists that came to fame and popularity on their own so we could grasp a better idea of what techniques could be successful. On the other hand, we chose Harry Styles because even though he came from being more well-known due to One Direction, Harry Styles's branding techniques for individualization and interactional marketing were significant enough for us to pick him to research. 

    After completing the research information, we transitioned to the music video. In this part of the project, we faced difficulty in deciding what exact type of music video to create. On a group FaceTime call we discussed what would be easiest to film and also what would be the most engaging and refreshing to see. We decided to do a fusion of a promotional and storytelling video, but the storytelling part would have some artistic influences. We decided to use artistic influences as a form of representation or symbolism for certain ideas in the storytelling portion. Down below is a document created early in our process of planning the type of music video we wanted to create and what could be in each section:

      Some challenges with this portion of the project include finding a set time and day that everyone could meet up to film the music video. Unfortunately one of my group members, Joey, was going to be away on the weekend and we wanted to include him in the promotional scenes. Thankfully we found a replacement and we could still film on the day we had proposed. From here moving forward my group and I must focus on getting all the remaining shots completed and completing the Canva presentation for our band's branding, marketing and distribution plan. 

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