Monday, October 30, 2023

Sound Project

    For this project, we were tasked with creating a story through sound effects and foley sounds. We were paired up with a partner to decide on a storyline to portray, as well as plan out specified sounds that would complete a well-rounded soundscape. This auditory storyline would have to occur in a literal 1-2 minute timeline. We would also have to make four of the sound effects be created by random objects, on a "foley stage."

While my partner and I brainstormed of a storyline to depict, we came to the conclusion of a more simple story and a more intricate focus on the layering and assembling of realistic sounds. We decided to portray the story of a teenage girl coming home from school, getting a snack, going upstairs and falling, and then going to her room and listening to music. To effectively plan our project, we created a chronological outline of all the sounds we would be using: Sound scape outline (2).docx

    When breaking down the project, we first broke down the scenes we would have embedded into our project. We split our project into five scenes: arriving home, downstairs in the house, downstairs in the kitchen, going upstairs and falling, and going upstairs. We thought of the primary sound effects that would make up each scene, as well as the significant minor sound effects that build the realistic soundscape. For example, in the scene of the girl walking to the front door, the primary sound effect would be the footsteps heading to the house, but incorporating the camouflaged sound effects of the girl's clothes rustling and her backpack moving makes the scenario more representative of the real event.

After choosing the sound effects we would utilize, we started to identify which sound effects we wanted to do as foley sounds. We decided to choose the sound effects that would sound the most realistic in accordance with what they were representing. For example, when the girl was getting a packaged snack out of the fridge, I crinkled a plastic wrapper stuffed with a crumbled piece of paper. In addition, we had to be very meticulous when creating the foley sounds for the footsteps, choosing specified floors for different areas of the house the girl would be walking on. Here is a video of some of the foley sound effects we created:   

Lastly, we began to edit using Adobe, really honing in on layering the sound effects effectively. Here is a picture of the first scene of the girl arriving home:

Final project: 

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